Lecture with Daryl!

Lecture by Daryl!
Monday, May 5th 2014! - 7:15 PM
Location: Trumbull Library
Yes, this is THE Daryl. He will be sharing from his amazing routines and effects those he has found to be the most "performable" by a broad range of magicians. Daryl is also available for a 2-hour workshop with smaller groups. Contact me if you are interested in the workshop. Our location closes at 9:30 so any workshop would have to be either earlier in the day or at another time or date that fit both Daryl's schedule and those of interested magicians. Attendance to the lecture is free to Ring 59 members (3 new folks this year) and $15 for guests. Fee for hands-on workshop is TBD.
"My latest magic lecture is titled 4FXII - pronounced Four F Twelve.
Even more so than usual, this lecture contains a wide variety of practical and PERFORMABLE magic. This lecture features close-up magic, stage magic, magic that is impromptu, angle-proof, quickly re-set, finishes clean, easy to perform, etc., etc. This has always been my favorite type of magic and this lecture is full of it!"
Here's a list of what this lecture includes:
Comedy Surprise Torn & Restored Paper routine
Color Changing Backs routineRope through Neck Ropes through Body
Cards to the Fourth Dimension and BACK!
A totally impromptu Chink-a-Chink effect
Dai Vernon Dice Routine
Impromptu Rise
Totally Impromptu Cup and Ball Routine
Theory & Principal
Effect-less Method, a Backwards Classic, and “My First Magic Trick”
Passage of Thought!
Daryl’s Favorite Trick"
Monday, May 5th 2014! - 7:15 PM
Location: Trumbull Library
Yes, this is THE Daryl. He will be sharing from his amazing routines and effects those he has found to be the most "performable" by a broad range of magicians. Daryl is also available for a 2-hour workshop with smaller groups. Contact me if you are interested in the workshop. Our location closes at 9:30 so any workshop would have to be either earlier in the day or at another time or date that fit both Daryl's schedule and those of interested magicians. Attendance to the lecture is free to Ring 59 members (3 new folks this year) and $15 for guests. Fee for hands-on workshop is TBD.
"My latest magic lecture is titled 4FXII - pronounced Four F Twelve.
Even more so than usual, this lecture contains a wide variety of practical and PERFORMABLE magic. This lecture features close-up magic, stage magic, magic that is impromptu, angle-proof, quickly re-set, finishes clean, easy to perform, etc., etc. This has always been my favorite type of magic and this lecture is full of it!"
Here's a list of what this lecture includes:
Comedy Surprise Torn & Restored Paper routine
Color Changing Backs routineRope through Neck Ropes through Body
Cards to the Fourth Dimension and BACK!
A totally impromptu Chink-a-Chink effect
Dai Vernon Dice Routine
Impromptu Rise
Totally Impromptu Cup and Ball Routine
Theory & Principal
Effect-less Method, a Backwards Classic, and “My First Magic Trick”
Passage of Thought!
Daryl’s Favorite Trick"